The Cuvelai Watercourse Commission (CUVECOM) is the institution responsible for managing the water resources of the Cuvelai River basin, a transboundary resource shared by Angola and Namibia. CUVECOM’s mission is to promote and advise on the sustainable management of water resources to support the safety and well-being of the population. The Commission officially came into being on 16th September 2014 but it has taken some time to set up an interim Secretariat in Ondangwa and Ondjiva. The Commission is becoming increasingly active, working with the governments of both Angola and Namibia, communities, and a wide range of stakeholders to address the water-related issues and challenges in the basin. The Commission has drawn up a 20-year basin-wide IWRM Plan for the basin with priority actions for the next 5 years (2019-2024).
Cuvecom Mandate
The Commission serves as an advisor to the Parties on matters relating to the equitable and reasonable utilization, sustainable development, and efficient management of the water resources of the Cuvelai Watercourse and shall perform such other functions pertaining to the integrated water resources management in the Cuvelai Watercourse as the Parties may agree to assign to the Commission.
A. Cuvelai Watercourse Commission
Vision and mission
CUVECOM Vision for the Cuvelai River basin by 2040 is “A sustainably managed basin with a secure, resilient, and prosperous population “

Governance and Organisational Structure
In order for the Commission to discharge the functions entrusted to it, the following organs are hereby established:
- The Council of Ministers;
- The Council of Commissioners;
- The Steering Committee; and
- The Secretariat.

The Republic of Angola and The Republic of Namibia signed an Agreement to establish the Cuvelai Watercourse Commission on 16 September 2014. The Commission shall serve as an advisor to the Parties on matters relating to the equitable and reasonable utilization, sustainable development and efficient management of the water resources of the Cuvelai Watercourse and shall perform such other functions pertaining to the integrated water resources management in the Cuvelai Watercourse as the Parties may agree to assign to the Commission.
The regional cooperation at governmental level over the Cuvelai River dated to 1970s since the construction of the Calueque-Oshakati Canal which transfers water from the Kunene River at Calueque Dam in Angola to Cuvelai Basin, Oshakati in Namibia.
In 2014, the cooperation on the Cuvelai River Basin was further strengthened through the bilateral agreement to establish Cuvelai Watercourse Commission (CUVECOM).
CUVECOM Secretariat

The Agreement provides for the establishment of the Secretariat, comprising of the Executive Secretary as well as technical and administrative personnel. The main responsibility of the Secretariat is to carry out the day-to-day administration of the Commission; including development of strategic work programme and annual work plans.