The Commission has the following functions:
- collect, evaluate and disseminate all data and information on the Cuvelai Watercourse as may be necessary for the implementation of this Agreement;
- establish joint early warning systems against extreme events (floods, droughts and other disaster situations);
- take measures and arrangements to determine the long term safe yield of the water sources in the Cuvelai Watercourse;
- carry out jointly or separately research and investigations with regards to the development of the Cuvelai Watercourse, including any project or construction, operation and maintenance of any water works;
- promote, support, coordinate and harmonise the management and development of the water resources of the Cuvelai Watercourse;
- advise the Parties on the planning, management, utilization, development, protection and conservation of the Cuvelai Watercourse as well as on the role and position of the Public with regard to such activities and the possible impact thereof on social and cultural heritage matters;
- advise the Parties on measures necessary for the avoidance of disputes and assist in the resolution of conflicts between the Parties with regard to the planning, management, utilization, development, protection and conservation of the Cuvelai Watercourse;
- foster greater awareness among the inhabitants along the Cuvelai Watercourse of the equitable and reasonable utilization and the efficient management and sustainable development of the resources of the Cuvelai Watercourse;
- co-operate with the institutions of SADC as well as other relevant international and national organisations where necessary;
- promote and assist in the harmonization of national water policies and legislative measur

CUVECOM Programmes and Projects
- GEF-UNDP project