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Integrated Water Resources Management Plan (IWRM)

Preparatory work for the “IWRM” (Integrated Water Resources Management) Plan started only a few years ago with the GIZ-supported Scoping Study for Enhancement of Transboundary Water Management in the Cuvelai River Basin in 2015, following the signing of the CUVECOM Agreement. This important study provided an analysis of the biophysical and socio-economic conditions in the basin and, while largely based on existing documentation, also involved stakeholders in several group discussion exercises aimed at identifying the key issues and challenges acting as barriers to sustainable socio-economic development in the basin. The Rapid Assessment provided a starting point for the IWRM Planning process.

Subsequently, CUVECOM appointed GFA Consulting to work with CUVECOM and stakeholders to work on the development of a first IWRM Plan for the basin in both English and Portuguese. The aim of the plan was to provide a Roadmap for the next 20 years, describing the actions that need to be taken to achieve the shared Vision of a sustainably managed basin with a secure, resilient and prosperous population. At the same time, more detail of what has to be achieved in the first five years of the Plan is provided. 

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