Posted time 18th June 2021 Location Angola Job type Individual Contract

The GEF Council has recently approved the Project Identification Form (PIF) for the full-sized project titled “Enhanced Water Security and Community Resilience in the Adjacent Cuvelai and Kunene Transboundary River Basins (PIMS 4756)” implemented through the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). UNDP is now commencing a detailed project preparation phase expected to last until September 2021. The PIF was approved by the GEF Secretariat on 11 December 2020. At the end of the preparation phase, UNDP will finalize a project document for approval/endorsement by the GEF CEO.
The project is being designed to strengthen the joint management capacity of Angola and Namibia for the sustainable management of natural resources in the adjacent Kunene and Cuvelai River basins for the sustainable and resilient development of the basins. Basin-wide cooperation and evidence-based joint management and planning by basin countries will be promoted through the application of the participatory IWRM (Integrated Water Resources Management) approach and strengthening of institutional and technical capacity of the Cuvelai Watercourse Commission (CuveCOM) and the Permanent Joint Technical Commission (PJTC) for the Kunene River. This will be a GEF IW foundation phase project,
supporting the two governments to produce Transboundary Diagnostics Analysis (TDA) and Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for each basin.
The 6 project components are as follows:
• Strengthening the transboundary and conjunctive water resources management in the Cuvelai River basin;
• Strengthening the transboundary water resources management with future development scenario analysis in the Kunene River basin;
• Strengthening the governance of the Cuvelai and Kunene River Basins to foster joint management by the two countries in the most cost-effective manner;
• Strengthening institutional, technical and operational capacity in Angola to sustainably develop and manage the subregion’s water tower located in southern Angola;
• Enhancing the community participation in IWRM to build resilience in their livelihoods;
• Outreach and Knowledge Management for replication, upscaling and stakeholder engagement.

Role Description
The National Gender and Stakeholder Specialist will be a gender and social inclusion expert with experience in in-depth gender analysis and local community engagement in Angola. Core tasks include preparing the Gender Analysis, Gender Mainstreaming Plan and Gender Action Plan, as well conducting stakeholder mapping and analysis to develop a Stakeholder Engagement Plan. S/he will also be responsible for conducting reviews of national policy and legislative frameworks; review Page 2 of 8 of relevant past and ongoing projects for lessons, including project evaluations; and for identifying and confirming cofinanciers to the project. A detailed description of expected deliverables is included below.

Follow the link below for the detailed job description and requirements

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